lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Presentations week!

On last week we did the oral presentations!
All of the semester work in two days. My presentation take place on tuesday 31 of May.
My presentation take place about Graphene, the material of the future. And my partners on presentation were Jaime López and David Serra.
I had so nervous but at the end of my presentation part I think that I had a good entonation and accent, but I was reading... It's the problem =S

Alcoy Party!

These week has been typical Alcoy Party, "Moros y Cristianos". On these party people
who belong a "Comparsa" parades on a San Nicolau Stret principally.

Becaus of these party on tuesday we haven't got class. And wednesday i didn't go.
Because I took a trip to Vilanova y la Geltrú, near Barcelona city. I went with grou
GROMEP, a robotic group in EPSA.

Week 09-05-2011

Hello everybody!

At these week on practice class, we did a typical exam of level B1, that's liked me.
I Think if the exam had been corrected I had passed it. But without high puntuation.

On wednesday, we continued with unit 5. We did exercises of prepositions and listenings
and readings compression. Moreover, we saw how to do a letter writing, how to write a
cards to do announcements on companies or e-mails to learn about something.